Mock Examinations (national and international)
January, 2024
We commenced the year with our academic team taking on mock examinations.
We supported candidates who needed to take their mock examinations and they came from all over the UK and internationally. We’re proud to say that we are making a difference to young people across the world.
Our examination services are unique and this has resulted in an increase in visitors to the County and to the local businesses and attractions.

Music Lessons for All
February, 2024
Our wonderful ukelele teacher inspired our music students with her musical knowledge and expert playing. The Enter Centre was filled with the sound of strumming ukeleles.

Preparing Portfolios
February, 2024
A number of our GCSE Art students set about preparing their extensive Art Portfolios to submit as evidence of their skill and knowledge for the exam boards.
The portfolios were a vibrant, exciting and accomplished body of work from some extremely talented individuals.

Modern Foreign Language Assessments
March, 2024
Our academic team run an array of accreditation programmes including GCSE and A Level Modern Foreign Language subjects, including French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic, German, Greek, Malay, Russian, Turkish and many more.
March is always a very busy moth for our MFL assessments with our very talented and expert MFL assessors.

Set building and design research
April, 2024
Some of our creative team were out and about this month; working in beautiful venues, building new creative relationships and new projects. It was a real pleasure to spend some time revisiting the process of set building and to marvel at some model creations.
3D set design is a true art form. Over the years we have transformed an array of venues into fully-immersive theatrical environments, which have been enjoyed by many thousands of keen audience members.
The team enjoyed some time to admire the work of other theatre creatives.
The whole process of set building is punctuated with careful thought, planning, engineering and insight.

Summer Examination Series
April – June, 2024
We supported over 400 students to sit exams in the Summer 2024 examination series.
We were informed by inspectors from the national regulation team that our centre was unique, and should be highly praised for the way it supports students sitting GCSE, IGCSE and A Level Examinations as well as Functional Skills.
One of the inspectors remarked, “I would sit my exams here.” Another inspector said, “Anyone getting an opportunity to sit an exam here is very lucky indeed.”
At the end of the exam series, our team was inundated with an array of simple gifts from students, learners and parents who had used our examination services.
“My home-educated son took six GCSEs at your amazing centre. Your website says your centre is unique, but it really has to be experienced to be believed.
To think that exams could be taken in such a supportive and conducive environment is remarkable, and it is no wonder you are respected so highly in the sector. I’m sure if everyone adopted your approach, more people would achieve.”

June, 2024
A day out to the cinema and restaurant to celebrate Jake’s achievements!
Jake has been in a two year specialised, three full day’s education programme that was devised for him by our education team. For two years, Jake has worked one to one with a number of our tutors to complete AQA unit awards.
Under the guidance and tutelage of our expert team, Jake achieved over 60 certificates across a number of different subjects, including: Arts and Culture, History, Geography, Music, English, Mathematics, ICT, Technical Theatre; in addition to life skills and work experience.
Due to this personalised programme, Jake was able to experience many unique opportunities; allowing him to continue his learning journey.
A huge well done to Jake!

GCSE Art Classes
February, 2024
Throughout the years we have hosted a range of artistic and creative learning programmes; with this year being no different. Our fabulous artistic team look forward to working with the GCSE Art students who have started studying with us. We also did a little restocking to ensure that there was no interruptions in the creative flow!

SEND Programme Success
February, 2024
Our team continues to develop unique and innovative examination and learning services for SEND learners, ranging from one-to-one support to small group provision. Below is an image of a student learning about data protection and the process of confidential document disposal.

Human Invention and Creativity
March, 2024
Our technical creative team are encouraged to participate in ongoing CPD opportunities to ensure they stay at the forefront of technical development. In this way we know the experiences we provide for our creative students are first class. In March our team participated in a training event which included witnessing some blueprints for early stage lighting designs. Quite remarkable and inspiring. Human invention and creativity at its finest.

Garden's In Bloom
May, 2024
Our centre always looks spectacular in May and this year was no different. Our garden brings joy to the local community. This year was extra special as we introduced our Poem-a-Day to Celebrate the Blooms in May.

Preparing Portfolios
June, 2024
Our students rose to the challenge of usng everyday objects to represent elements of Artificial Intelligence. They came up with some very challengng and innovative solutions.
To illustrate Albert Einstein’s quote: “Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought.”

VIP Tour of Stockton's Iconic Globe Theatre
July, 2024
Members of our creative team experienced a VIP tour of the Globe Theatre in Stockton. The Globe is a wonderful theatre which has a remarkable heritage. Situated in the heart of Stockton, the Globe originally opened its doors in 1935 and many international names have played there from The Beatles (who were playing there in 1963 the night that JFK was assassinated), The Rolling Stones to Sadlers Wells Ballet. It is fabulous to see this major restoration project funded by Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council and the Heritage Lottery Fund.
The theatre is now managed by ATG Entertainment. Over the years Enter staff have worked in and hired many ATG theatres to house an array of productions and we are passionate about theatre preservation. So many beautiful theatres are at risk and theatre restoration work is absolutely vital. The Globe is a fine example of theatre restoration. The Art Deco building will now be enjoyed by future generations. We highly recommend a visit.

Intensive Summer Creative Programme
August, 2024
In August we ran a range of arts, culture, heritage and creative workshops and programmes for the local and wider community. It was an incredibly busy and rewarding period.

A Royal Visit to The Enter Centre
From late June, Enter CIC had been made aware of a visit from His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. With this information in hand, our hard-working team were diligently preparing the centre for the special visit. Select members of the team were in regular communication with the Palace and the Royal Household to prepare for the visit. Throughout August and September we received visits from Royal Protection Officers, the Durham Lieutenancy representatives, the security detail associated with the Royal Household and The Duke of Edinburgh’s personnel.
It was an exciting time as we prepared performances, catering and hospitality. We were also coordinating a special award ceremony for students and exam candidates for the same day as HRH’s visit. A special poem was written by a member of the creative team and this was inscribed on a gift, presented to His Royal Highness to commemorate his visit to our centre, our team and our community of service users. We also had a commemorative plaque created which is proudly displayed in The Enter centre.

Through meticulous planning and preparation, we ensured that His Royal Highness received a wonderful welcome and had a very special time visiting our centre.

Festival of Remembrance, 2024
November, 2024
What a highly rewarding experience our creative team had participating in the Festival of Remembrance at Durham Cathedral. The programme was truly poignant and uplifting. The event was in aid of The Army Benevolent Fund which is the Army’s national charity, here for soldiers, past and present, and their families for life.
The event was truly unique and under the guidance of Musical Director Captain Richard Waterson the Royal Band of Fusiliers accompanied the whole evening. They were absolutely superb, utilising the power of music to transport the audience back to 1944 and the harrowing events of D-Day. The soaring vocals of Charlotte Potter were breathtaking as she effortlessly delivered Nellie Tue Mani and Here’s to the Heroes.
The Military WAGS Choir gave a beautiful rendition of some well known 1940s songs which had the audience singing along. The evening also featured the Tyne Electrical Engineers Pipe Band and an array of serving personnel. The event was hosted by Pam Royale and included a speech by the CEO of the ABF Major General (Ret’d) Tim Hyams CB, OBE and the evening included the very wonderful Chelsea Pensioners concluding with a poignant poppy drop and the Muster Parade.
In attendance was the Lord Lieutenant of County Durham, Mrs Sue Snowdon and an array of dignitaries. Our whole cast would like to thank everyone involved in the event. We encourage everyone to support the work of the ABF charity.
The ABF work isn’t just for one night it’s in many cases a life line for army and service personnel for 365 nights of the year, every year! It was an honour once again to be part of the Festival of Remembrance 2024.
Take a look at some of the images from the rehearsal.

Slava: Snow Show
December, 2024
Enter staff coordinated an educational visit to Sunderland Empire to witness “a universal, timeless theatrical spectacle, which has unanimously enchanted and empowered the imagination of audiences and critics”.
It was created and staged by the Russian performance artist, Slava Polunin.
It was a wonderful event full of magic and wonderment, and it was much enjoyed by all who attended.

Post Your Letter to Santa - Event for Children and Families
December, 2024
Since our inception, we have been creating immersive Christmas events for families. This Christmas was no exception and we, once again, transformed The Enter Centre into a magical Post Office, where children cold bring their letter to Santa and have it specially delivered by Elves and Reindeer.
The event was completely free of charge and funded by Enter CIC. All children received presents and an individually personalised letter (hand delivered by elves to their home) from Santa Clause direct from The North Pole.
Proud to continue our unique tradition for creating high-quality magical Christmases in our local communities that are free and affordable for families. The original Santa’s Experience, and still the best and most affordable! See you at Christmas 2025 for our next exclusive adventure from the North Pole.
“Been to lost of Santa’s events, but this is the best. There’s a real sense of magic.” Stocktonian. “Go where you want this Xmas – you’ll go nowhere like it.” D.F.
Like what we did during 2024?
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