School Shows

School Tickets £7.50 per pupil
(1 free teacher per 10 pupils)

For more information about what we can offer your school please contact us on 01740 655437 or email

perfect for schools and colleges

The Wind Road Boys is a perfect theatrical event for schools. It is a useful teaching tool as it covers an array of National Curriculum areas. The show is supported by a wonderful animated backdrop featuring a combination of real footage, images from local museums; working mines, right through to magical animated presentations of blue dancing horses and unique images representing imagination.

The show features an anthem style soundtrack which is guaranteed to move and inspire people (have a listen on our home page) The lyrics to the songs have been very carefully selected and are unbelievably poignant, funny, reflective, and emotive.

The show takes the audience on a whistle stop tour from 1842 to the current day. It provides opportunities to gain a glimpse into yesteryear and helps us reflect on how that sharply contrasts to society and community today!

The Wind Road Boys has particular relevance for young people learning about Victorian Britain as it brings to life the factory systems and the working life of men, women and children in the mining industry. It also shows how Queen Victoria impacted the welfare of children and changed their working lives. The show also examines the Britain since 1930 and shows the impact of the Second World War.

The whole production is set in an imaginary town called Langton. The characters that live in Langton all have different political, economic, scientific, religious and cultural experiences and they all have different interpretations of the past. It is in fact in these very differences that the journey of The Wind Road Boys unravels.

The educational show is suitable for KS2, KS3, KS4 and A level Theatre Students.

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